Part Number KE8246V

This is one of the most cost effective and economical dredges in the industry. The 8246V dredge is powered by two light weight engines as apposed to one larger, heavier engine which also increases maneuverability. Smaller engines means that they can be transported by hand without the need of larger equipment for transport. These models include separate 5 gallon gas tanks that mount on the float for ease of refueling as well as extended running time. The 8246V is mounted on flotation modules that feature large carpeted decks that provide excellent traction and work space. The 8246V sluice box is 8 feet in length and features Keene’s famous 3-stage sluice box for fine & coarse gold recovery.  The suction system has an over-sized power jet and twin injectors for maximum suction power to reduce the occurrence of rock jams. This is probably the most portable 8 inch dredge on the market. All of the components can be broken down into small enough sections so that they can easily be carried by hand. The 8246’s are equipped with a 263 compressor for an ample air supply that can accommodate two divers. These models are designed for ease of assembly and operation in the most severe of conditions.

Twin 23HP Vanguard series engines with electric start and float mounted 5 gallon fuel tanks, Keene P350S pumps, 8’x12′ frame & floats assembly, 28″x8′ sluice box, 40’x8″ hose, approx net weight 1500 lbs